( 12 月 10 日,台北訊 )由行動行銷協會 MMA (Mobile Marketing Association) 亞太分區所舉辦的 Smarties Award 得獎名單於日(10)前公佈,TenMax 在亞太區 103 件入圍作品中脫穎而出,以作品「 Unlock Brand Potential : Breaking the Glocalization Wall with Data-driven Creatives」, 拿下「橫幅與富媒體廣告(Banner & Rich Media Advertising) 」銀獎。
TenMax 騰學廣告科技運用自我研發第三方創意廣告 Ad Serving 平台,為知名國際鎖具品牌耶魯 Yale 擬定廣告素材創意策略,打破國際品牌落地當地市場經常遇到的品牌認知度瓶頸。TenMax Ad Serving 平台一手研發近四十種跳脫制式的創意廣告格式,從品牌故事化出發(Storytelling),以創意為軸、數據為輔,打造數據驅動的創意行銷策略,顛覆以往消費者接受廣告時平面、單一,並以影圖為主的廣告格式,提供品牌溝通時獨特的新視角。

「APAC SMARTIES Award」 是由全球性的數位行銷協會 MMA (行動行銷協會,Mobile Marketing Association) 所舉辦的亞太區行銷獎項,今年已經邁入第八屆。MMA APAC 希望透過獎項鼓勵能在品牌與消費者之間,創造前瞻性行銷變革的創新企業,是全球行銷界最具影響力的行銷獎項指標,獎項詳情請見活動官網。
Revolutionizing Users’ Advertising Experience Through Creative Layout, Providing New Perspective On Brand Communication
(Taipei, 10th Dec) The winners of MMA (Mobile Marketing Association) APAC SMARTIES Award have been announced. Among Asia Pacific’s 103 finalists, TenMax’s entry “Unlock Brand Potential: Breaking the Glocalization Wall with Data-driven Creatives” stood out from the rest, winning the Silver Award in the Banner & Rich Media Advertising category.
TenMax’s self-developed third-party creative advertising Ad Serving platform helped world-renowned international lock brand Yale to develop advertising materials and creative strategies, to overcome the brand awareness bottleneck often encountered by international brands in local markets. TenMax’s Ad Serving platform develops almost forty different types of non-standardized creative advertising formats, helping brands to inspire data-driven creativity to tell better brand stories and enhance marketing strategies. This changes consumers’ perception of the usually flat, monotonous, and image/video-based advertising formats, as well as providing brands a unique viewpoint on brand communications.

Entering its eighth year, The APAC SMARTIES Award is Asia Pacific’s prestigious marketing award organized by the international association MMA (Mobile Marketing Association). As the most influential marketing award in the global marketing industry, MMA APAC hopes to encourage more innovative companies to initiate groundbreaking marketing communications between brands and consumers. For more information, please visit the event’s official website.