Creativity Driven by Data Opens Infinite Possibilities

Our Commitment to Developing a Robust Digital Advertising Optimization Platform

We are committed to developing critical advertising technologies and data insight that are applicable to the entire digital advertising ecosystem across DSP, SSP, ADX, and DMP. With the integration of big data analysis and machine learning technologies, we hope to offer a pioneering and convenient platform to advertisers and publishers.

Our Service

The TenMax Data Solution can identify and track audience behavior, analyze audience segmentation, and construct an optimal model across multiple channels. We can then help transform data into actual consumer insight so you can get to know your consumers and develop marketing strategies accordingly.

Solutions for ALL

Our Critical Advantage

TenMax can connect inventory from a wide range of global media but also deliver in-depth analysis with our tracking analysis technology to offer you the optimal strategy.

Global Reach with Massive Inventory and 3rd-Party Data

We are connected to Oracle Data Marketplace, the largest third-party data marketplace in the world. We also have access to 500+ exclusive traffic data in Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan, and other locations to help you reach a broader audience globally.


Superior Data Analysis Capabilities

Continued development of advertising technologies has led us to create a number of data analysis technologies that are able to achieve precision marketing through tracking online audience behaviors.


Cross-device Audience

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Website Partners

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Global Advertising Customers

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