Enrich Your Advertising Solution with High Impact Ads

AdNeon one-stop rich media ad serving platform provides the best performance and easies way for you.

Terminate Banner Blindness. Revitalize Ad Effectiveness with High Impact Ads

Most banner ads on websites are being ignored by today’s consumers, and the ad results are not up to par regardless of advertisers ad spend. Rich Media ads help brands to regain consumers’ attention by combining creative materials and immersive effects! Enrich your sales with Rich Media today!

Unlimited Creativity at Your Fingertips on AdNeon

A Rich Media Ad Serving platform developed by TenMax, AdNeon provides more than 50+ creative layouts to help publishers maximize traffic value with highly effective creative ads!

No technical knowledge required

No technical knowledge required

On-demand ad formats and templates

On-demand ad formats and templates

Ad Tag and Demo Link in 1 minute

Ad Tag and Demo Link in 1 minute

50+ Rich Media Ad Formats with
High CTRs of

Multiple ready-to-go high impact ad layouts with new ones released every quarter.
Improve product and brand image with creative layouts and gain 10x engagement!

Complies with Better Ads regulations, no blocking from browsers! 

An Easy & Fast Self-service Platform

With a simple image or video, you can create a rich media ad in just 1 minute, and get a demo link instantly for seamless communication with advertisers!

The Integration of GAM, DV360 and other DSPs while supporting third-party tracking such as DCM and IAS allows publishers to directly sell ads to advertisers and drive growth effortlessly

*AdNeon ad tag is also applicable to programmatic selling. 

Step 1

Select template

Select a ad format template

Step 2

Upload material

Upload images or videos to AdNeon

Step 3


Get ad tag and demo link

Step 4


Paste the ad tag directly in GAM or other delivery systems

Trusted By

TenMax AdNeon is trusted and utilized by leading publishers in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia.

Partner With Us


Sign up on AdNeon and start using it right away!

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Dedicated Service

Need more creative layouts or customized service? Contact us at

Interested in advertising with TenMax? Get in touch with our sales team

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Navigating 2023 Year-End Shopping Season

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