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TenMax and Infobip Join Forces to Democratize Marketing Automation in Indonesia

The largest IT event in Indonesia, Metrodata Solution Day 2023, took place on August 23rd in Jakarta. The event brought together professionals from various industries to share their insights and experiences in data, technology, and innovation. During this event, TenMax, an advertising company specializing in data-driven solutions, partnered with global communication solutions leader Infobip to establish a strategic channel partnership.

TenMax receives high honors with one gold and two bronze awards at Mob-Ex AWARDS 2023!

The prestigious Asia-Pacific Mobile Marketing Excellence Awards (Mob-Ex AWARDS) 2023 ceremony took place on August 11th in Singapore. TenMax, a leading advertising technology company, achieved significant recognition, securing the “Best Use of Display Advertising” gold and bronze awards, as well as the bronze award for “Best Insight-Driven Mobile Campaign.”

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2023 The Rich Media Guide for Mother’s Day

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Kim chỉ nam cho hoạt động tiếp thị dịp Ngày của Mẹ 2023


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Real Estate Industry Guide – Rich Media Ad Layouts

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Kim chỉ nam cho hoạt động tiếp thị Trung Thu 2023


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Navigating 2023 Year-End Shopping Season

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“Bí quyết nắm gọn mùa Sale cuối năm 2023”


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