Real Estate Industry Guide of Rich Media Advertising

Why you should pay attention to Real Estate Marketing?

The Real Estates industry has been recovering in Southeast Asia after the pandemic and in recent years, real estate companies have significantly increased their investment in digital marketing, due to the longer time required for real estate transactions and the high involvement of consumers who need to carefully consider before making a purchase. Therefore, in marketing strategies, property advertisers should shift their investment from traditional media to digital media, in order to communicate with consumers more effectively. The marketing for this industry should not only emphasize CTR but also focus on long-term brand impression and favorability as the main goals.

How Rich Media Ads can help with Real Estate Marketing?

After the epidemic, real estate buyers’ familiarity and dependence on the Internet have greatly increased. They are becoming more accustomed to searching for relevant information online, as survey has shown 97% of them would search online first in the buying process. With a short attention span of only 8 seconds, each buyer would be exposed to hundreds and thousands of ads while doing their research. Therefore, it is crucial to attract their attention through eye-catching creative layouts.

TenMax understands the trends in the Real Estate industry and thus recommends 6 creative rich media ad layouts suitable for three stages of buyers’ journey, as well as the ideation on how to apply them in real cases. Check out our guide and leverage rich media ads to drive high impacts and seize real estate opportunities!

By filling out the form to download our guide, you will get:

      • Real Estate industry and marketing insights

      • Rich media ad usage in Real Estate industry

      • Complete strategy with 3-stage approach + 6 examples of creatives


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