Harnessing the magic of an Indonesian unicorn
— Gojek

A One-stop Advertising Solution

A One-stop Advertising Solution

to plan, measure, and optimize digital marketing efforts beyond Gojek consumer application.

Precisely targeting your audience by making use of  Gojek’s first party data including demographics, transactional history, and cross-app usage.

By using mobile app deep linking, customer is taken straight to purchase funnel after clicking the ads.

Gojek’s targeting is deterministic based on customers’ past transactions and their preferences in spending money.

An end-to-end campaign management from planning – optimization – reporting.

Conversions can be tracked online and offline, whereas advertisers will get to see the holistic performance.

Our Values & Strength

Deterministic Targeting

Standard targeting is typically based on certain customers’ behavior, which is not suitable for ads to drive transactions.
Gojek’s targeting is deterministic based on not only behaviors but also customers’ past transactions and preference in spending money, making your ads drive transactions more easily!

Run your digital ads by using Deterministic User Targeting:

Deterministic Targeting

Standard targeting is typically based on certain customers’ behavior, which is not suitable for ads to drive transactions. Gojek’s targeting is deterministic based on not only behaviors but also customers’ past transactions and preference in spending money, making your ads drive transactions more easily!

Run your digital ads by using Deterministic User Targeting :


Stop sending your customers to unnecessary pages.For self-managed individuals, users are directed to website without direct order option, causing a frictional experience.With GoJek app service, customers are directed to GoJek’s app after clicking the ads by using mobile app deep linking, while reducing the chance of losing customers in the transactional stage.


Stop sending your customers to unnecessary pages. For self-managed individuals, users are directed to website without direct order option, causing a frictional experience. With GoJek app service, customers are directed to GoJek’s app after clicking the ads by using mobile app deep linking, while reducing the chance of losing customers in the transactional stage.

Deterministic Targeting

Standard targeting is typically based on certain customers’ behavior, which is not suitable for ads to drive transactions. Gojek’s targeting is deterministic based on not only behaviors but also customers’ past transactions and preference in spending money, making your ads drive transactions more easily!

Run your digital ads by using Deterministic User Targeting :

Run your digital ads by using Deterministic User Targeting :


Stop sending your customers to unnecessary pages. For self-managed individuals, users are directed to website without direct order option, causing a frictional experience. With GoJek app service, customers are directed to GoJek’s app after clicking the ads by using mobile app deep linking, while reducing the chance of losing customers in the transactional stage.

Master User Ads Journey with GoGAN

Master User Ads Journey with

Brands are capable of creating a more frictionless, seamless user journey by using GoGAN

Various channels & formats

Various channels & formats

GoGAN provides partner various channels to seize every touch point.

GoGAN provides partner various channels to seize every touch point.

Interested in advertising with TenMax? Get in touch with our sales team

Get to know more about TenMax and our team

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