AI Video Recommendations

Keep Viewers Glued to the Screen

Generating videos with Kuadio Video is fast, easy, and free.
Kuadio Video creates and edits videos for you so you can focus on creating content!

Let Kuadio Video Help!

Video Content Creation is Hard, Keep it Simple with Kuadio Video

Save Time & Energy

Use Kuadio Video to create videos

No Additional Costs

Kuadio Video also helps you take care of server costs

How Kuadio Video Works

Kuadio Video employs Kuadio Content Recommendation Technology to help you learn about the user journey and make recommendations with video formats.


Know the Users

Contextual targeting technology that constructs a comprehensive consumer portfolio.


How Articles Get Recommended

Construct a mechanism for recommending latest, trending, behavioral-related or content-related articles.

Kuadio Video

Video Recommendations

Generate a video that displays new recommended articles every six seconds.

Kuadio Video Player Placement

Recommended Placement

You can choose to place the Kuadio Video Player at the end of the article but on top of the recommended section.  Research into consumer behavior proves it to be the best placement for optimal user attention. With recommended articles on rotation every six seconds, Kuadio Video can help make more content more visible.

Within the article
(At the end of the article and on top of the recommended section)

Other Placements

On the sidebar or affixed in the corner.

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Real Estate Industry Guide – Rich Media Ad Layouts

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Kim chỉ nam cho hoạt động tiếp thị dịp Ngày của Mẹ 2023


現在您可以點選按鈕下載 2022 創意廣告版型白皮書


現在您可以點選按鈕下載《2023Q1 TenMax AdNeon 全新創意廣告版型應用書》

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現在您可以點選按鈕下載《2023 母親節致勝指南》

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2023 The Rich Media Guide for Mother’s Day


現在您可以點選按鈕下載《2023 中秋節致勝指南》


現在您可以點選按鈕下載《2024 Q1 新版型應用介紹》


現在您可以點選按鈕下載《2023 Q3 新版型指南》

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Kim chỉ nam cho hoạt động tiếp thị Trung Thu 2023


現在您可以點選按鈕下載《2023 雙 11 購物節慶指南》

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Navigating 2023 Year-End Shopping Season

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“Bí quyết nắm gọn mùa Sale cuối năm 2023”


現在您可以點選按鈕下載《2023 雙 11 購物節慶指南》

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